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* DeXtEr No 1a A handel for operator
B marker
C roller
D seed bore
E furrow opener

1b C it is used the earth
E used to drill hole which the seed drop

2a To demonstrate the presence of living organism in the soil
2b Lime
2c -Place some fresh garden soil in a pierces of cellophane -tight the both bags -allow the set up to remain for 4-6hours -to kill all organism in the soil sample
2d A it turns milky
B it remains unchanged
2e A carbondioxide is released by the soil B all living organism has been killed by heat 2f -improve soil aeration -to decomposed organic materials in the soil -to aid percolation of water -to improve the structure of the soil -to produce acidic substance for rock break down

[hr]4a M digestive track of ruminant N digestive track of a fowl
4b M I oesophagus II rumen III large intestine N Iv crop V gizzard
Vi rectum
4c I the food substance is store in label II ii the micro organism secret the food in rumen Iii the food is distribute to all part needed
4d M has deodelum while n has no deudelum
no anus in m while n has anus
2014-11-07 12:23 · (0)

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