Live Neco Gce Expo For Biology Paper I
(Alternative to Practical)
(1ai) A mango fruit
B tridax fruit
C combritum
(1aii) A animal
B wind
C animal
Iv Drupe
1bi earthworm
bii Annelida Biii I mouth
II clitelliun
III segment
IV anus (1biv) I increase soil aeration
II improve soil structure
III improve soil fertility (1bv) I for feeding
II for reproduction
III for respiration (1Ci) Sperm cell (1Cii) I acrosome
II nucleus
III centriole
IV tail (1Ciii) I to dissolve egg membranes
II genetic materials
III production of energy
IV movement
(2ai) F- urinary tubule
G- shark
H- remora
I- female reproductive system
(2aii) I renal artery
II renal capillary
III bowmans capsule
IV glomerulos
V henle's loop (2aiii) -contractile vacuole
-skin (2bi) Pierces (2bii) For movement (2biii) Commensalism (2biv) Protection
Movement (2ci) VII ureter
VIII bladder
IX urethra
X left kidney (2cii) 1 XI
To show Oxygen uptake by germinating seed (3aii)
I soda lime
II lime water
III dark cloth
IV living plant
V lime water (i) I absorption of carbondioxide
V to determine the present of carbondioxide
(ii) II milky
V milky
V presence of carbondioxide
(4bi) Plasmodium
(4bii) kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Protozoan (4biii) i. plasmodium is responsible for malaria
through the carrier of particular species of moquito
called Anopheles
ii. infected person by plasmodium will demostrate
high temperature and if untreated the person will
suffer sevier anemia and oxygen deficiency (4biv) i. by cutting of nearby bushes and
destroying mosquito breeding places
ii. Using of insecticides
iii.fumigation of the
environment GOOD LUCK
Created at 2014-11-05 22:53:17
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